
Your search for Simona De Logu returned 14 results.

Corruption Perceptions

Corruption watchdog Transparency International has just released its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2013. The index ranks countries and territories based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be. It scores 177 countries and territories on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). No country has a perfect score, and two-thirds of countries ...

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Top 10 Internet Languages

These statistics say it all. If you want to do business on the internet you're well advised to approach your potential customers in languages other than English or you'll only reach 27% of all internet users. More specifically, you will need 21 languages to reach 90% of internet customers, and the top 10 are a good place to start. Speaking your customers' language ...

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Businesses told to translate, localize and sell worldwide

  The UK government, like many others, is banking on export-driven growth to get the economy out of its current rut and is urging businesses large and small to embrace international trade if they haven't already done so. Yesterday's Click: Connect: Sell event in London, which focused on online trading and e-commerce and was organized by the government's UK ...

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Communication across languages and cultures

...and if you can't speak his language then hire an interpreter who can. That's what we're here for - communication at its best!

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